Friday, December 11, 2009

Dreams----- my very being

Dreams – you can’t help them they slip into your eyes create a niche in your heart even before your conscious mind can check them. This is how the most part of my life unplanned yet some where tied around with these invisible threads has been moving along in search of that peace which if not eternal is still sufficing if not a river to bathe in is still enough to quench the thirst.

My dreams have always been a lullaby to me as I have seen them with open eyes taking me into my real world that is a farce for the world. Serenity in my dreams has resulted in the pains as well for this butterfly of my dreams has always been a hostage of the harsh reality the wanton boy.

The wanton boy has always been victorious and my being like the butterfly in his arrest has never given up in search of an apt moment for an escape.

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